Kirgizcha Salamdashuu Irlari

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Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized, controlled, open-label, comparative efficacy trial. We randomly assigned patients with migraine into cupping therapy plus serkangabin group (30 patients) and conventional treatment group (30 patients).

This article may require to meet Wikipedia's. The specific problem is: Khwarezmian = Chorasmian Please help if you can. ( July 2012) () An language, known as, was spoken in Khwarezm proper (i.e., the lower Amu Darya region) until soon after the Mongol invasion, when it was replaced by Turkic languages. It was closely related to. Other than the terms used by the native Chorasmian speaker, our other sources of Khwarezmian include 's -–Khwarezmian dictionary and several legal texts that use Khwarezmian terms to explain certain legal concepts. In the very early part of its history, the inhabitants of the area were from stock and they spoke an Eastern called. The famous scientist, a Khwarezm native, in his Athar ul-Baqiyah, specifically verifies the origins of Khwarezmians when he wrote (in Arabic): أهل خوارزم [.] کانوا غصناً من دوحة الفرس ('The people of the Khwarezm were a branch from tree.'

) The area of Khwarezm was under and then control until the 10th century before it was conquered by the. The Iranian and culture felt the pressure of Turkic infiltration from northern Khwarezm southwards, leading to the disappearance of the original Iranian character of the province and its complete Turkicisation today, but Khwarezmian speech probably lasted in upper Khwarezm, the region round, till the end of the 8th/14th century. The survived for several centuries after until the Turkification of the region, and so must some at least of the culture and lore of ancient Khwarezm, for it is hard to see the commanding figure of, a repository of so much knowledge, appearing in a cultural vacuum. Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid era [ ].

Tomb, Choresmian soldier circa 470 BCE. Sometime before the king 's death in 530 BC, he had conquered Khwarezm. While he was dying, he appointed his son as the governor of the region, along with,, and the other eastern provinces of the empire. And the poet mentions Persian cities like and in abundance in his epic. When the king of Khwarezm offered friendship to in 328 BC, Alexander's Greek and Roman biographers imagined the nomad king of a desert waste, but 20th-century Russian revealed the region as a stable and centralized kingdom, a land of agriculture to the east of the Aral Sea, surrounded by the nomads of, protected by its army of mailed horsemen, in the most powerful kingdom northwest of the (the River of antiquity). The king's emissary offered to lead Alexander's armies against his own enemies, west over the Caspian towards the (e.g.

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Alexander politely refused. Although largely independent during the, and dynasties, it is known that Khwarezm and neighboring Bactriana were part of the empire during the time of. Verifies that Khwarezm was a regional capital of the Sassanid empire.

When speaking of the pre-Islamic ' of Khwarezm' ( خسرو خوارزم), the Islamic ' of Khwarezm' ( امیر خوارزم), or even the, sources such as and and others clearly refer to Khwarezm as being part of the Iranian (Persian) empire. The fact that which was used by the alongside, passed into use in Khwarezmia where it served as the first local about the 2nd century, as well as evidence that such as (1172–1200) issued all their orders (both administrative and public) in, corroborates Al-Biruni's claims. It was also a vassal kingdom during periods of, and power before the coming of the Arabs. Afrighids [ ].