Serial Colorimpact 412

Serial Colorimpact 412 8,5/10 6026 reviews

002- 770 The j ob te mpla te c ould not be pr oces sed due to in suf fic ient hard disk spa ce. Delete unnecessary data from the hard disk. 003- 750 No d ocum ent was sav ed f or the doub le-s ided Book let Crea tion feat ure. Chec k the setting of the double-sided Booklet Creation feature. 003- 751 The s peci fied docu men t ar ea is too sma ll. S elec t a h ighe r re solu tion or a larg er scan area. 003-754 003-755 An error occurred in the document scanner.

Hattrickpoli Version 4 Build 412 Serial Numbers. Convert Hattrickpoli Version 4 Build 412 trail version to full software. The serial cable must be kept separate from the power cables.C0240122-10-09-GB 4.Serial interface card Fig. (mask found in the Assistance menu. Use a twisted and shielded AWG 20/22 cable for the RS 485 serial line.3 Setting supervisor parameters To communicate with BMS.

Reset the document, and scan again. 003- 756 The fax docu ment is c omp lete ly w hite. Ch eck that the o rigi nal is n ot wh ite, or that the front and back sides have been reversed. 003- 760 Inco mpa tibl e fea ture s ar e se lec ted i n th e doc ume nt s can con diti ons. Chec k th e selected options. 003- 761 The p aper siz e in t he tr ay s elec ted by auto tra y sw itch ing, dif fers from the p aper size in the tray selected at the tray selection. Either change the paper size for the tray, or change the paper type priority setting.

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The following step — formation of sleeves of origami shirt. Shablon otkritki k 23 fevralya svoimi rukami. Further it is necessary to start formation of a collar. Then the top part of a leaf is bent down, as the line of a bend the conditional straight line drawn between extreme points of the bent corners serves. For this purpose extreme 'edges' from two parties are bent inside, to the line of the central bend. Then, holding with a finger preparation, it is necessary to turn out corners.

003- 763 An e rror occ urr ed w hen read ing the Grad atio n Ad just ment Char t. P lace the chart properly on the document glass. 003- 780 Com pres sion of s cann ed d ata was uns ucc ess ful. Lowe r t he r esol utio n or reduction/enlargement ratio to reduce the data size, or send the document in smaller segments.

003- 795 The redu ctio n/en larg emen t r atio exc eeds the sett ing rang e wh en t he s cann ed document is enlarged/reduced to the specified paper size. Directly enter the reduction/enlargement ratio, or change the paper size. 003- 981 St apli ng m ixed siz e doc umen ts is a vail able only for docu ment s wi th t he s ame width. Cancel the staple feature or reset the documents with the same width. 005-210 005-275 005-280 005-283 005-284 005-285 005-286 An error occurred in the document feeder. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center.

012-211 012-212 012-221 012-223 012-224 The finisher malfunctioned. Turn the power off and on. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists. 012-259 012-260 012-263 012-280 012-282 012-283 012-284 012-285 012-291 012-293 012-294 012-295 012-296 The finisher malfunctioned. Turn the power off and on. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists. 016- 210 An er ror occ urr ed on the s oftw are opti on s etti ngs.

Tur n th e pow er of f and on. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists. 016- 21 1 An er ror occ urr ed du e to insu ffi cien t me mor y. Ch eck if m emo ry i s in sta lled correctly.

If memory is installed correctly, and not bein g able to iden tify the cause of the problem, contact the Xerox Welcome Center. 016- 212 An er ror occ urre d due to in suf fic ient mem ory. Ch eck if m emo ry i s in sta lled correctly. If memory is installed correctly, and not bein g able to iden tify the cause of the problem, contact the Xerox Welcome Center. 016- 213 The s oft war e fea ture does not f unct ion p rope rly, bec ause the p rint er c ard i s not properly installed. Reinstall the printer card correctly. 016- 214 The s oft war e fea ture does not f unct ion prop erly, bec ause the f ax c ard i s no t properly installed.

Reinstall the fax Card correctly. 01 6-4 50 The SM B ho st n ame al rea dy e xis ts. C han ge t he h os t na me. 016- 454 Unab le t o re trie ve the IP a ddre ss fro m D NS. Chec k t he D NS con figu rati on a nd IP address retrieve setting.

016- 455 Conn ect ion to the SNT P s erv er was time d o ut. Chec k the netw ork cab le connection and IP address of the SNTP server. 016- 456 Rec eive d a m ess age f rom the S NTP ser ver say ing that it w as n ot s ync hron ize d with the standard time source. Check the SNTP server settings. 016- 502 An er ror occ urre d dur ing w riti ng d ata. Con tac t th e Xer ox W elco me C ente r. 016- 503 Unab le t o r esol ve the nam e of the SMT P s erv er w hen e-m ail was tran smi tted.

Serial Colorimpact 412

Check if the SMTP server is set correctly using CentreWare Internet Services. Also, check that the DNS server is set correctly. 016- 504 Unab le t o re sol ve t he n ame of t he P OP3 ser ver when e-m ail was tra nsm itte d. Check if the POP3 server is set correctly using CentreWare Internet Services. Also, check that the DNS server is set correctly. 016- 505 Unab le t o log in t o th e PO P3 s erv er w hen t rans mit ting e-m ail.

Chec k if the u ser name and password used for the POP3 server are set correctly using CentreWare Internet Services. 016- 522 Ther e was a LD AP s erv er SS L au then tic atio n er ror. An SSL clie nt c erti fic ate could not be acquired. The LDAP server requires an SSL client certificate. Set the SSL client certificate on the machine.