Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration

Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration 7,5/10 9879 reviews

In Preferences->LibreOffice->View, under Graphics Output, the 'Use hardware acceleration' checkbox is grayed out. I've tried running version on Mac OS X 10.11.6 and 10.10.5. L ast month, AMD demonstrated the big improvements in performance we will find in LibreOffice thanks to the built-in hardware acceleration. Executing a standard. About Cr OS Linux.

Stephan Bergmann 2015-02-16 16:50:36 UTC When configmgr is asked to change a finalized value via xNameReplace->replaceByName( OUString('ForceSafeServiceImpl'), makeAny(!_bEnabled) ); in CanvasSettings::EnabledHardwareAcceleration (cui/source/options/optgdlg.cxx) it throws a css::lang::IllegalArgumentException in configmgr::Access::checkFinalized (configmgr/source/access.cxx) that is apparently not handled properly. The Options dialog appears to handle the possibility of the underlying configuration value being finalized for only a few of the configuration values exposed through the dialog.

One example is m_pFileDialogCB/m_pFileDlgROImage in OfaMiscTabPage (also cui/source/options/optgdlg.cxx), which is supposed to show a lock and disable the checkbox of 'Use LbireOffice dialogs' when the underlying configuration value is finalized. Copyright information: Please note that all contributions to The Document Foundation Bugzilla are considered to be released under the, unless otherwise specified. Source code form contributions such as patches are considered to be modifications under the. 'LibreOffice' and 'The Document Foundation' are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws.

If anyone at any time has another solution (either another alternative, or a better method), please post it as an answer and it will be considered. I guess RTF is not an option due to missing hyperlinks. Konverter formata doc v latex.

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